A few tips I learned from my third shower: spend the most money on food & flowers, and print everything from vistaprint when they have a sale! Standard business cards, on plane paper (which you can design yourself) make for unique answer/ response cards.
Quick sketches of Savannah Georgia, a place I've always loved but never actually drew when I lived there...
Dentist Appointment?
Here are the latest appointment cards for my dad's dentist office. The front features his latest logo on top of a molar pattern background. If you're ever in Delaweare you can check them out in person by going here!
Bridal Shower Invitations
Invitations for a shower with a pineapple “Aloha” theme.
Nursery Mural
A painting for my latest and greatest nephew! Can you spot the random hedeghogs?!
Movie poster for Intermission.
Sketches of Provence created with pen, water color and or ochre from Rousillion